Step 1
Download The Templates
Download the templates and product content for each item you’ve purchased. We’ve conveniently outlined essential information and provided easy access for downloading, allowing you to personalize them effortlessly.
Choose a label from below and download at no cost. Use these templates, along with the downloadable content for each SKU, to craft a distinctive label for your product.
Download the templates and product content for each item you’ve purchased. We’ve conveniently outlined essential information and provided easy access for downloading, allowing you to personalize them effortlessly.
Find a designer who aligns with your brand’s style and budget requirements. Provide them with the downloadable templates and any additional project-specific information outlined on this page.
Work with a local printer or use online platforms such as, Wizard Labels, or Lightning Labels for printing. Once the designs are ready, commence labeling your products promptly!
The FDA mandates inclusion of the following information on your labels:
Barcodes serve as a valuable labeling tool, facilitating efficient product scanning and inventory management. Each barcode is tailor-made to uniquely represent your product and company. Consequently, for white-label products, Sjolie does not provide barcodes. Should you desire to incorporate barcodes into your label designs, it is recommended to create and acquire them from a third-party source.
Accepted file formats include .AI (Adobe Illustrator) and .PSD (Photoshop). It’s worth noting that platforms like Canva may not generate designs suitable for professional printing. For optimal results in Photoshop, create files at a resolution of 300 DPI. It’s essential to keep in mind that while higher resolutions may not necessarily enhance print quality, lower resolutions can lead to disappointing published outcomes.
Overlap: For full wrap options, ensure labels allow for overlapping. Avoid placing readable text near edges to prevent overlap interference. Allow a 1/2 inch overlap, and note that labels unwinding left side first are preferred to prevent hiding crucial information.
Unwind Direction: Labels should unwind with the left side coming off first. Labels unwinding from the right side may obscure important information.
Bleed Lines: Consider bleed lines where the design extends beyond the label’s edge. Allow a 1/16″ clear space inside the final artwork for the bleed area, excluding the background color/pattern.
Color Format: As a digital printer without metallic inks, design and submit all files in CMYK rather than RGB. This helps prevent color shifts during the printing process.
Once you are satisfied with your artwork, you are ready to submit it for printing. If you’re printing your labels with Sjolie, your labels must go through an approval process before they’re printed. You can email your final designs in print ready format to If you’re printing your labels with a third party, you will need to consult with them to discuss their print requirements. Before submitting your artwork for printing, follow this crucial checklist: